Albert Harvey (1986) and Kevin Ramos (1987), both grew up in the Netherlands. With their mutual passion for music a new friendship was born. Albert grew up with gospel, soul and folk music from his home country Surinam. For Kevin, music has always been a big part of his life, since his father is a well-known Latin artist and his mother a funky soul singer.
With their friendship as a solid base and their mutual interest in music, fashion and art, they decided to join forces. Albert and Kevin grew to be a strong duo with a cross-over sound between pop and electronic music, inspired by their heroes Daftpunk, N*E*R*D and Coldplay. From that moment on GLOWINTHEDARK was a fact! An identity which suits their creativity musically and performance wise, as they light up the crowd with their electrifying performances, visualizing themselves as the light and energy on stage.
Hello Kevin and Albert thank you so much for doing
this interview with us, its such a pleasure to be doing it .
How are you doing, we sat here going through
our CD collection and we need to ask how many CD's do you guys have put
Depends on which
way you ask it? As deejays we have over 10 UDG Cases full of old CD’s, we did
some compilations for Dirty Dutch etc. - but hey, twothousandfourteen, just an
“in the cloud” back up and two 32gb USBs is all you need!
Can you give us a little insight into the
name GLOWINTHEDARK its reminds us of those stars and moons we had on our room
ceilings as kids?
Does it? Funny,
because it reminds us of champagne showers, partyhard crowdsurfing and great
music. True, we got inspired by those as well and a lot of other stuff, plus we
see ourselves a bit as those stars and moons in the middle of a dark club or
No TIE interview is complete without asking
this what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear South Africa?
Strange Dutch
language, The World Cup and Shakira’s song she sang for it.
Tell us more about who Kevin is and who
Albert is on a non-musical front, how did the two of you meet and who is the
brains and who is the beauty?
In a strange way
we’re both no brainers and you can decide from a personal point of view who is
the beauty for you. With no brainers we mean that we both have a funny and creative
side which you might need in this hectic world of music. When it comes to
serious stuff, yes, we use the other half which is quite boring sometimes. It’s
hard to describe yourself, feels awkward so we choose Albert talking about
Kevin and Kevin talking about Albert situation here.
Kevin is a great
guy heart on the right place. Girls love the smile, no heartbreaker and great
in-the-past soccer player! Met the guy on the square and beach where he used to
play ball and we had a great time back then, 13 years ago!
Albert Is the
biggest party animal that I know with the strongest drive and discipline I have
ever witnessed. Womanizer first class and loves to ride his skate board :),
Really my brother from another mother.
Albert you grew up with gospel, soul and folk
music and Kevin, music has always been a big part of your life, your father is
a well-known Latin artist and your mother a funky soul singer. How did
GLOWINTHEDARK find their place in Dance Music?
Well as music
develops, so does a human being too. Dance Music or today’s so-called EDM,
because of the wide range of genres actually comes from Jazz, which went
rougher into funk, which went into disco and ended up in house music. We just
love music, but also tear up dance floors and we try to combine as much as
possible to create this kinda vibe which is called GLOWINTHEDARK.
Your music is a fusion of different genres
dance, hip-hop, and pop, how do you find the right balance when producing and
where do you draw your inspiration from?
We find
inspiration everywhere, by seeing so many different countries, meeting people,
parties, girls etc. When we start writing a track it's automatically a piece of
us in the song, not because we want it, but it's there just because of our
background. We love rock & pop music, the easy arrangements you hear on the
radio, we always try to put a touch of that into it.
GLOWINTHEDARK co-produced “Aint A Party”
with David Guetta, we sure this played a huge part in getting GLOWINTHEDARK
noticed. We want the low down on how the collab came to be? We know you met
David during WMC.
We were really
surprised ourselves also! One day we met him on the airport and before we knew
we were sitting in his studio in Ibiza, a real big step and honour for us.
It’s no secret T3nbears is in involved in a
lot of your productions how did you meet Tom, and what about Tom stands out to
you guys? Is he the 3rd member of GLOWINTHEDARK?
Let’s call it
like that yea! Amazing writer and artist who we met in the UK while doing
studio stuff a while ago and who we clicked with in minutes. He moved to
Holland and is like our little brother!
Your latest release is MUG with Danny Howard
and T3nbears brilliant track, 4 guys working together what was that like, were
there any bruised “EGOs” during the producing process?
Not at all,
we’re kinda all on the same line and we knew what we wanted to create, so with
all of that it was a peaceful studio session.
Do you remember the first gig you guys
played at, what was the experience like, did you love it or hate it?
Albert - I
played in bands before and wasn't really scared of the audience, it was more by
playing the right track on the right time, I loved it and still do after 7
Kevin – My first
real club gig was in Amsterdam at the SupperClub and I was so hyped and nervous
at the same time. I still remember that with my first 2 mixes I couldn't
control my hands because I was shaking so much hahahah.
After my second
track I kneeled down slapped myself in the face and told my self to get a grip,
after that my self-confidence grew and I killed the rest of my 4 hour set.
We love fashion and music, It’s no secret
you guys are fashion lovers and are currently working on your own fashion line,
what can people expect from the line, what inspired the line and why the
decision to start your own line?
Fashion and music
are like a married couple to us. On stage you wanna look good, doesn’t matter
which style you choose. Our line got inspired by urban streetwear combined with
Haute Couture fashion and the music industry. We started to create and design
these bags for headphones, which are almost at the end stadium, which we think
are really cool. Handmade all-leather and all personally chosen colours and materials.
It started as the perfect model bag for a DJ where you can put your passport,
hotel card, condoms and not to forget, headphones inside.
So now we have to ask if you had to describe
the GLOWINTHEDARK sound with 3 fashion brands, which would they be and why?
Nike - We like
to keep it fast fresh commercial and street.
Acne - Straight
simple, but with a touch of Haute designs
Jeremy Scott –
Always surprising with an outgoing and crazy style
Can we take you boys shoe shopping with us?
What’s your favourite shoe in your cupboard?
Layla, Yasmin,
let us guess you guys go for Christian Louboutin? Haha okay, we love simple but
strange in good quality shoes, can’t really pick a exact brand, pick a date and
place we be there ;)
You have done collabs with Chuckie, David
Guetta, Lupe Fiasco, what’s next for GLOWINTHEDARK?
Working on some
new collabs with Deorro and one with Tommie Sunshine which are going to be
really cool! New solo tracks coming up so just keep watching the GITD media ;)
Do you have any last messages for your fans?
Keep listening
to the GITD music, follow your dreams, party hard or harder or insane, but be
safe. See you soon somewhere on the planet!
Thank you again
for doing this interview with us we look forward to hopefully seeing you play
sometime soon around the globe somewhere